Saturday, May 27, 2006

oogie oogie oogie woogie dancin shoes?!?!?! i am again...behind on posting...go figure..i'm a bad blogger..the sunshine is always calling me...and the beer..mostly the mom gave me shit the other day..cuz she checks my blog everyday..and there is NEVER anything new for her to look you are...its my goal get AT LEAST 3 new posts up.

Ok, so a while ago...mike and i had a last minute BBQ at his friend Cori was there..her son Donovan....her brother Tyler..and a friend that mike works with..his name is Brandon...but we call him quickly turned from a nice quiet bbq with a couple of WAR OF THE DANCIN' SHOES....sadly there is no video footage of this...but the pictures are enough i think.

this is Donovan gettin his groove on...i tell you..this kid has some MOVES..he must have learnt them from me :P hahahahahhaa
You may not know this..but my friend Cori..she's a ballerina in her spare time..hehehehe
YESSSSS!! River Dance..You can see that even the dog was consumed by my great dancing ability....yes..thats right...TAKE LESSONS..hahahaha :P
G money..bustin out the hip-hop moves....g money?!??! yeah..i have no clue...hahaha
this is Cori's brother was his first time hanging out with the group of us...haahha as you can see..he fit in JUST fine...actually...almost tooooo fine....his dancing ability...well...lets just say...i should probably give the floor over to him...hahaha

this is show-hands....well..Brandon really...he was a little quiet this night...i think it was because he didn't drink enough beer or something like that...and sadly..i didn't get a picture that explains why we call him what we call him...boohoo. now its time for a few more random shots from the night..hahahahhahaha its easier this way...and it cuts posting time in half :D

you know..its a good thing my friends love me so much..or i might be dead by now from posting all these silly pictures of them...hhahhahaha least..when i post silly pics of them...i post even sillier ones of me..hehehehehehe
and on THAT note...i'm off to the next post :D


Mel said...

YAH a new post from Nicki!! and YAH for your mom too!!mr

Josh said...

River dancing Nicki! WooHoo! Micheal Flatley watch out.

Spider Walk said...

OMG!! I am laughing so HARD!!

The river dancing and the one of you on the deck with the dog and little spatter marks around ur head just about did me in...LMAO!!!

Damn, I love you!!

And now my word verification is
Dinky Glove...hahahaaa!!!
Ya think Show Hands is missing something?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I told my brother there would be dancing.... I no thinky he beleived me till he saw it for himslef! lol

Ahhh well, in the end he "showed us all" hehehe
My little boy can cut a rug too, lemme tel ya!

Once again, a weeeeeeeeeeee time was had. ;)

Zambo said...

Hey Nicki!

I'm so far behind too...

Great pix!

I have to catch up...

See you in the next comment sections.

Your Pal,
