Friday, December 30, 2005


blaaa..i ate tooooooooo much :( i'm supposed to go out tonight to see a few bands play..but i'm sooooo full..i think i have to pass :(....well..i'm full..and i work at 7:30 tomorrow morning....ICK!! i heeeeeelllllp meeee!

Thursday, December 29, 2005


yes...i love you...and yes we're friends..but why do you insist that it is time to play when i have to work at 7 in the morning?? damn you my friend...damn you.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Happy Birthday SpiderWalk hope its GREEAT!! Eat CAKE!! MMMM!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

phone home.

i love you E.T...even tho you make me cry.

Monday, December 26, 2005

boxing day..and night.

today was really kind of low-key..i worked for a few hours..and the store was soooo dead that i came home after 2 hours..i ended up just having a really long nap..then i woke up and went to my mamas for some feeling kinda tired right now..and sorta bummed out..its not because i didn't have a really great christmas..because i was wonderful..i think its just because it has been constantly go go go..and now that i've actually had a little bit of time to mind wanders..and i begin to think of the people that i miss and that i wish i could have around me...silly or what? anyways..i'm off for now..its time to get in my comfy pjs..and curl up in bed with my box of kleenex and watch E.T..nite nite!

xmas day...NIGHT!!

i have another xmas tradition...every year...after all the turkey is done..and the family is starting to go their separate ways..i make my way down to my friends bar to have a few drinks and listen to a band..its always a good night to catch up with friends who live out of town and are just around for the holidays..and its also a good time to make new friends :) this year..i actually didn't drink..i drove..i've had a lot of the boozin this holiday i figured i'd best stick to the gingerale..and just take it easy for once...(i still had a great time...because believe it or not..i can still have fun when i'm not loaded...hehehehehehe) i went this year with my friend was good times :)

xmas DINNER..mmmmmm!!

xmas dinner was really good this mama made a turkey..and everything to go along with it..and she also made a ham and scalloped potatoes..yum yum..there was 9 of us for dinner this year..i think everyone really enjoyed was a good night of eatting and just hanging around :) my friend cori and her little boy joined us this year..and i think having them around was one of the best parts :) christmas is just SO much better when there is a little one around..they get so excited..and i think their excitement really rubs off on everyone else :)

xmas DAY!! HOORAY!! is my xmas day was a great day..i had lots of fun with my family and my friends..everyone really enjoyed all the gifts that they got..xmas morning at my house is a lot of fun..i spent the night at my mamas this it was the first time in a long long time that i woke up there xmas morning :) it was kinda shitty..because when i woke up i realized that i had to go home and get the memory card for the digi cam..because i only had a wee card we could only take like 10 pictures at a time...and you all know me with the camera..hahaha so anyways..i drove home and by the time i got showered and got back my brother was already there and the sausage rolls were in the oven and they were all waiting to open pressies :) i posted earlier on in the month about my xmas jammie are the pictures from my xmas 05 photo shoot ;)

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

just wanted to take a minute to say Merry Christmas to all my friends in blogger-land :) I hope that you are all enjoying great times with the people that you love :) I've had a great time since i started this blog and i just wanted all of you to know that you're all treasures, and i'm glad to have "met" each and every one of you.....(and yes..i'm sentimental over the holidays)...*sniff sniff*

big hugs and much love to all :)

Saturday, December 24, 2005

its christmas EVE!! woooooooo! i'm drunk fun is THAT?!?! haha its 11:54 on xmas eve..almost xmas day..i'm at my mamas...drunk..because it is what i do on xmas eve..the party is winding down now..and everyone is going home..i'm into the water now..because i do NOT want to be hung over on xmas really SUCKS..anyways..i hope that everyone had a great night..and that u enjoyed your time with family and friends :) i'm leaving you with a few pictures of my xmas eve celebrations :D

Thursday, December 22, 2005

lets go eat DONUTS :) woooooo!!!!

chooooooo chooooooooo!

we lost the reindeer :( i think they were off drinking beer or something.

i'm an elf!! i'm an elf!!

good times!!

my new friends!

rockin' out to jingle bell rock!! haha

pretty lights!


last night i had a really good night :) in Guelph here, we have a really huge park called Riverside Park..and every christmas season, lots of big companies in town make really pretty chistmas light displays..and they all get put up in the big huge park, and everyone in town can go and look at all the pretty sparkly lights :)..i went with my friend Cori, her son, her friend, and my was pretty chilly..but all the pretty lights, and rockin christmas tunes more than made up for my cold little nose :)..after the lights we went and had hot chocolate and donuts....mmmmm....i have some pictures to share with you.....(big surprise huh?!) seems like blogger is being crazy and not letting me upload pictures at the i'll do it with hello...and post them all individually :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy
jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy
jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy
email me you fucker.

THIS is your LAST chance :)
thank you and have a nice day :)

Spider Walk...u better RUN!!! :P

hahaha well...tagged AGAIN..this time its a little bit different...thing is..i'll do my tag..but i really honestly don't want to send it to 5 people...i'm sooooooorry spider walk!! don't kill me!! pleaaaaaaaaaase!!!!!!!! please with SUGAR!! goes...

What were you doing 10 years ago?
ten years ago i was 20, and i was unemployed, not going to school and i was drinking way too much..practically everyday..that went on for about 3 years.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
one year ago, i wasn't doing too much either..i was working..and living in a cute wee apartment in downtown, enjoying my single life, and hanging out with my friends.

Five snacks you enjoy:
1. chocolate
2. oreo cookies
3. salty almonds
4. wavy lays and helluva good french onion dip
5. gummie frogs!!

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1. any song by green day
2. I will survive- Gloria Gaynor
3. most madonna songs..(haha) KARAOKE WOOOOOO!
4. Since You've Been Gone- Kelly Clarkson
5. Fraggle Rock Theme Song

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. help my family
2. help my friends
3. give to charity
5. buy SHOES!

Five Bad Habits:
1. smoking
2. drinking
3. biting my nails in 6 month spurts
4. driving toooooo fast
5. spending my money on stupid stuff

Five things you would never wear again:
1. jelly shoes
2. bows in my hair
3. a sweater with a wolf on it
4. cowboy boots( i don't care if they are coming back or NOT!)
5. slouch socks with stirrup pants

Five Favorite Toys:
2. digi cam
3. mp3 player (once i get it at xmas)
4. my collection of stuffed animal pens
5. my harmonica

ok spider walk..there is the answers to the tag..and again..sorry for not keeping it going :)

Monday, December 19, 2005

PLEASE Santa....

please hurry and bring me one of the wishes that sherry wished for me :(

i would greatly appreciate it :) thank you :)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

sherry you FUCKER :P

ok, here goes..i was tagged by Sherry..who i am assuming also tagged garyD...who in turn tagged me two tags in as many days...dear lord what did i do to deserve here they are..for sherry and gary..i'll do it all in one post....5 random facts about me that not many people know..... parents own a karaoke machine..and a large collection of karaoke CDS..and sometimes when they aren't at home..i go over..and sing every Madonna song that they have in their collection.

#2...i have a tattoo above my bellybutton that i got when i was doesn't look the greatest anymore, but i'm never having it removed, and i'm never having it touched up because it means too much to me.

#3...i eat at least one chocolate bar everyday..most times it is the first solid food that i put in my belly...mmmm chocolate for breakfast.

#4...i really really like to put on Kelly Clarksons "Since You've Been Gone" and sing into anything that is handy and resembles a microphone..and i can do it 50 times in a row....(shhhh)

#5..i have a nose problem...and i snore..and sometimes i even wake myself up...(i thank my father for that one...)..i could have some kind of operation to fix it..but apparantely it hurts like hell..and 9 times out of 10 it doesn't work.

so there you have it sherry and i must tag 5 people..this is gonna be hard....and if i tag someone..who doesn't really wanna be involved..then please..feel free not to participate..i will understand..ahhhahaha

mysterious...liz..mel..spiderwalk...and and and and...shit...i only have 4..that will have to do.

holy hell

i went to a show tonight here in guelph..i have to of the best shows i've seen in a long long time..maybe even in my life..hahaha..was 3 different bands...The D'ubervilles..out of guelph..Frontier Index....(sooooo goood)..and The Sadies..(oh my fucking god)..i killed the battery in my digi cam from taking toooo many pictures...hahaha..the venue was soooo small..i think there was maybe 100 people there..tops..i had a great spot..right up at the stage..yay for me! my ears are ringing...u would think i might have learnt from past shows that earplugs are essential :( but no...guess i should say hello to more permanent ear damage :( woe is me...that is all..goodnight.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

i felt like......

this tonight...whatever it is..can't explain it.


i was smoking way too much, but i couldn't help it.

just stuff.

sometimes i wonder if people are nice..because they have a true beautiful heart...and sometime i wonder if they are nice..because they are sneaky..and they want to fuck with you???

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Does whatever a spider can
Spins a web, any size
Catches thieves, just like flies
Look out!
Here comes the Spider-woman!
Is she strong?
Listen, Bud!
She's got radioactive blood.
Can she swing from a thread?
Take a look overhead.
Hey there, there goes the Spider-woman!
In the chill of night,
At the scene of the crime
Like a streak of light she arrives just in time
Friendly neighborhood
Wealth and fame, she's ignored
Action is her reward
To her, life is a great big bang-up
Wherever there's a hang-up
You'll find the Spider-woman!

tHis wAs Toooo Silly.

i know i know..LOTS of pictures..hahahaha but it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!!!!!!!!

tHAT was ridiculas! is what happens when cori and i get together at the mall...hahaha..maybe it was the starbucks....maybe it was the sunshine that made us feel a little giddy today...or maybe...just MAYBE...we are both fucking CRAZY!?! what do you think?!