Monday, February 19, 2007

did my parents want a boy?!?!....

you be the judge...hahaha

*sorry bout the quality...again with the picture of the picture on my webcam*

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i'm here..i'm here.

well..been a while again since i've posted..things have been a little busy around here..happy busy..and sad busy i guess you could say...i didn't post about this before but for the last little while i've had an aunt who was really sick in the hospital with cancer..My Aunt Verna..i was pretty close to her my whole parents rented an apartment from her and my Uncle when i was a little tiny baby...she babysat me while i was growing up..and a few years ago I rented an apartment from her and my Uncle..strangely was the apartment right underneath the one i lived in when i was a little wee baby...anyways..last Tuesday my aunt lost her battle with family and i have all been pretty sad..but...the more we think about it..the more we realize that she is way better more more suffering...anyhow..the funeral service for my aunt was on was a really nice service..some of her grandkids stood and said a few words...the music that the played was lovely..and the minister did a great job..I caught up with quite a few of my cousins that i hadn't seen in a in particular that i was very happy to cousin Shawna...she's my second cousin..and we're only 9 months apart in age..we used to hang out a whole lot while we were growing up...but seemed to lose touch once we turned 19 or any rate..we're going to try to keep in better touch..sometimes i'm bad for that....but i'm trying to get better :)

here is a picture of me and my Aunt Verna from a long long time ago...the quality isn't that great because i had to take a picture of the picture with my webcam....i dont have a scanner at home..and im already showered and in my pjs...and its tooo darn cold out to hike over to my moms to use hers..hahahahhmm..i guess the quality isn't as bad as i thought it might be..suweet..anyways..this picture was taken in April of 1984...i was 9 years old :) I always had a great time when my Aunt Verna was around..she was always so much fun and so full of great information..anything you wanted to know..Aunt Vern knew..i think there was only ONCE in my life that i asked her something that she didn't know the answer to...and it was only a few years ago...we were sitting outside on our front porch..and we heard this buzzz buzzz buzzzzz way up high in the tree...we got talking about the insect that makes that noise...and how ugly they are....we knew what they were called..and how to pronounce them correctly...but neither of us knew how to spell it..i think we spent about 1/2 an hour searching through a dictionary...then i finally went online and typed it in google...cicada...hahaha..we had a good laugh about that..anyhow..thats about all for i said before..i'm all showered up and in my pjs..I'm going to work on another post right now...and then i'm hitting the hay!! Take good care everyone...and if i ever don't post for a while..don't forget about me...cuz i always come back :)

Friday, February 09, 2007

this is some funny shit.

So..i just checked my email a few minutes ago...and i had THE funniest email i've had in a long time..from my case ANY of you were wondering where i get my craziness from...wonder no more.

Here is what the email said...and the picture that was attached.

DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE MY NICKI HAS GONE??????????????????? If you know of her whereabouts will you please let me know.
what a funny mama..hahaha..guess i should give her a call.


here we are again...its friday..the beginning of another weekend...what to do...what to do?! hmmm...I'm feeling a little bit tired and under the weather today..i've been having the SHITTIEST sleeps..tossing...turning...waking myself up by snoring...yes..i snore..i may have said it before..and i'm saying it again..i snore.s.n.o.r.e...its not my fault though..i have a nose problem..i was born this dad had the same nose problem..he had a few operations..which i believe involved having his nose broken and his nasal cavaties scraped....NO THANK YOU :) My nose is stupid enough as it doesn't need to be broken..nope...sure doesn't...anyways..i don't really have a whole lot of anything to post about crazy fun stories..just me..yammering on...and on...and on..s'ok though..yammering better than no nicki...right? that is what i thought..hahaha..i'm doing some laundry right now..and thinking about maybe vacuuming and dusting my should be done...but i dunno if i feel like seems to me that cleaning is a little tooo much like work...i'd much rather just sit the online...drink my coffee and smoke 500 cigarettes..yes..sounds like a plan :)...its settled..i'm going to spend the afternoon procrastinating :) yippeeee..I've become addicted to a website..its FULL of cute wallets...bags..t-shirts...buttons...and TONS of other stuff :)

Here is a link to the site...and also...i'm gonna link to a few bazillion things that i'm going to think...and dream about buying...(may as well right....since i'm procrastinating ) :D we go...

ETSY..your place to buy and sell all things handmade.

Inquisitive Beaver

Cherry Birds Wallet

Le bohemian soft easy flap bag 3

the green frog tote

Giraffe Messenger Bag

Black Vinyl Flower Purse/Messenger Bag

Petunia the Purple People Eater Clutch Bag

Black Vinyl Deer and Cherry Blossom Bi-fold Wallet


Ok, ok..i'm going to stop for now..I hope you enjoy all of the cute things that i love..and do..feel free to purchase any and all of them and forward them to my address ;)

hope everyone has a great day!!!

*UPDATE*...i fucking broke down...i am now floating on a cloud of domestic bliss...fuck.