Monday, December 18, 2006

Glow yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.

So, here is a post that i've been tooo lazy to get around to..Last week or maybe the week before last...(i can't exactly remember...because yes...the older i get..the worse my memory gets)...i went glow in the dark mini golfing with my friend was really really fun!! Here are some pictures!!!

This is a volcano.

Here is all my glowing glory? lol..It was really cool...when we first walked into the mini golf place..they had a whole wall of glow in the dark accessories..and yes..we bought a whole lot of them...bracelets...stickers..light sabers...and of course..i bought the glow in the dark headband with ears..if you're gonna go glow in the dark mini DEFINITELY need ears...right?

fishie fishie fishie..i love you fishie..(fishes...are NOT delicious)...just FYI.

me...paw hopping..hahaha.

Here is Brian...trying his best to beat me....(HA) i would let THAT happen...hahahaha
Me...washing my bum in the waterfall...hahahahha...(not really) ;)
figured i would post a non-glowy picture for all of you..just so you can see how EXCITED i was!! hahahahahhahahah boy was i EVER!....and just so you ALL know..i DID happen to WIN :D

yay me :)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

friday night with cori

I was out on the weekend with my friend Cori..we were supposed to go see Tokyo Police Club play at Vinyl..but we missed the show :( we got downtown pretty early...and there was a super huge long lineup...and we didn't feel like lining up in the we decided to go to
NV for a beer turned into a few beers..and by the time we got our ass back over to where the show was it was sold out...oh well...we ended up having a good night anyways..we went to Doogies and listened to the band play are some pictures to prove it....:D
Here is Cori..isn't she cute..i taught her everything i know about being cute...just look and see....OH! There i am..cute as can beeeee....looookit meeeeee!!!

Here is Cori...PRETENDING that she is an angel...NOTE:...PRETENDING!! muuuwaahahahahahahahahaha I know the REAL Cori..hahahahhahaahha...oh wait..she knows the real me too...Ummm..i think i'm going to scratch what i said before....Here is Cori...being that Angel that i KNOW she is through and through :D

I dunno what the hell I am doing here..for some reason i felt the need to stand up on a chair and pretend i was holding up the ceiling...the things that seem to make SO much sense after you've consumed a few beers or five :D
Brrrrr...this was us getting ready to catch a cab and head home...I'm going to finish up this post now...its 1pm...and for some reason i thought it would be a good idea to drink Baileys in my coffee all morning..hhahahhaha...I was going to go out and visit Mike and Jersey for a while...but...i think i should really have a little bit of a nap before i do so...I don't need an impaired driving do i?

Monday, November 27, 2006

ok, maybe this is a feels like i'd need at LEAST one and half of those..had a looong weekend..wandering the streets in the city of'll post about it later..for now..i must get ready for work...ugh.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

heeeelp meeee.

don't even ASK...hahahha

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


hey everyone!! just a quick post from the weekend..Saturday night i went out with my friends Cori and Mike and my brother Alan...we wanted to do something different so we decided on had been about 15 years maybe since i'd been on Rollerskates..the same for mike and cori as well.. (my brother had been rollerskating 2 weeks ago..thats where this BRILLIANT idea came from)..hahaha is a vid of us....GOOD TIMES!!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

my two friends...

you know who you are....what i don't know is if YOU know how very special..and very important you are to make my life a brighter place....and i appreciate you everyday..i appreciate the way that you listen to me...and how reassuring you are...and how you aren't afraid to tell me like it is....i appreciate how you take time to nuture me...when your own lives may not be exactly where you want them to be....and i want you both to know that i will love you forever, and i will always keep you close to matter what...i'm a lucky girl.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Pen Pals.

I've been BUSY!!!! Busy busy busy!!! Anyone else who wants a letter...send me an email...hurry hurry hurrrrrrrrry!!!!!!

sadies vid.

Ok, here is the video from the show Tuesday night...its really short..I got toooo excited and i just couldn't hold the camera anymore..hahahaha..the next show i go to i'm going to TRY to actually get a full song...anyways..hope you like it.


Hey!! The Sadies show was GREAT on Tuesday night...(incase any of you were and i both had a great was her first time seeing them live..and she was blown away..just ask her..she'll tell I have a short video clip that i'm going to post in about 2 minutes..just so you can see why i love them soooo much :)

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

well i dunno how clear this is going to be..but this is the latest picture posted on my favourite artists website...go check out his work....seriously..

Happy Halloween!!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


(oh yeah..just FYI..i'm going to see the sadies again tonight...) woohoooo!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


So...i've been spending some time with my friend Cori lately..we haven't really been doing anything crazy or party party...just hanging out...shooting the shit..and pretty much being ridiculas..we've known each other a really long i guess its just super easy to be 'ourselves' around each other...there is no feeling in the world quite like...driving along the highway making up songs and singing them at the top of your lungs..especially...when they would make sence to NO-ONE else in the world..but the two of us....after years and years of making up songs..i just never tire of it..FLAPPY're the best sn*****roo :D

I've seen a few posts around blog-land about SAD..and how everyone and their uncle is feeling down this time of the weather effects different people and so effects me in a big has for most of my life..anyways..went for a know..fake and di'm happy to report that it was nice..and warm...i'm still sleepy

Tonight i spent the night doing laundry..and organizing my stationary chest..sorting through my millions of stickers..and cute little that the weather is getting crappy..i'm going to have a lot more time to be a penpal...i'm always good at that in the winter-time...but once summer rolls love of writing letters just seems to disappear into a big old glass of anyways...on that note...if any of you out there want to be my winter me your address...i won't always promise that the letters will be exciting and full of wit...but i DO promise that they will be written on DAMN cute stationary....and the envelopes will be decorated with some of the CUTEST stickers EVER!!!!! EMAIL ADDY is on my PROFILE!! Don't be SHY!! It could be FUN!!

Well..i'm off i think to make myself a cup of sleepytime tea and to listen to some music while i wind down for the night :) I hope you're all doing well in Bloggyland!!


Monday, October 23, 2006


sorry everyone...the quality on this video is pretty much shit..dunno why....o well..such is life.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

hey everyone...just noticed that i haven't posted in a while...there really hasn't been all that much going on over here...same old shit...just different days...i've had the most quiet weekend EVER..friday night i layed on the couch and watched watched TV...i worked Saturday for a few hours..4 hours..hahahah 7am-11am..(i think that is part of the reason why i didn't go out friday night) kind of sucked getting up at 5:30am on a Saturday..but o well..i didn't have anything better to do...after work Saturday i did some laundry and cleaning up around my place..its amazing how much clutter can build up when you don't feel like doing anything at all but lounging around...hahaha...last night i actually got up off my ass for long enough to hike on over to Cori's place for some pizza, ice-cream and a movie...we watched Bandits..i'm not usually a big fan of The Willis..but this moving was fucking Hillarious...i only have one thing to say...and for those of you who share mine and Cori's sense of humor...and have seen the will enjoy this........................."M'BEAVERS AND DUCKS"...hahahahahah! Fuck..i think we backtracked on that one line about 4 times...and guess got funnier and funnier each time we saw it..hahahaha...anyways...its sunday now..i'm heading to work soon...OH JOY..i guess working better than doing as well make some money...right? well..thats all for now..hows that for a great update...hope all is well with everyone.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

hop hop hop

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well..i'm finally sitting down in front of my computer for long enough to get this blog post done...this one..and hopefully i'll start one more as well..its been a really busy weekend around here!! (not that i'm complaining...i've had sooo much fun!)

*FYI...this is a post about 2 weekends ago...i've just been tooo lazy to finish it*

here's me..getting all geared up and ready for the can never be toooo well protected you know..umm...yeah.
miss andie...showing off the YUMMIEST beer..i have EVER tasted..its a wheat beer..with apricot-mango peach something else and something else juice in it..hahaha i forget uh huh :D

say....cheese....please..i'll have smoked gouda :)

marco..i think i stunned him with the flash on my camera..that seems to be a habit of

hmm...3 fingers...1..2..3..i'm not quite sure..but i think this had something to do with a discussion that we were having about Coris birthday?? Anyone remember? if so...clue me in..hahahaha

CORIII BAAAAALL!!! me love you long time!!!!

c'est MOI...and behind me...the MOST AMAZING jukebox....EVAH!! if you're ever in Guelph..check out the Albion Upstairs....(or downstairs for that matter....or the patio for that matter)...good beer..and great tunes in the jukebox..wahoo....anyways...thats all for this post...its ummm...about a week late..i've had it saved in my drafts..hahahaha oh well...better late...then NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Saturday, October 07, 2006

I sit here tied to Nicki's otomen writring a post. Nothing much has happened in my life,except Nicki keeps trying t open another programme...... I'm in love... Joe is lovely. And that is about it....
talk to you all later....... andie ox

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

lately i've had a lot of free time.
its not the best really.
it leads to way toooo much thinking..
taking stock...and dwelling on
things that can't..or should not be changed.

yo guys..just so you know....even though it sounds a little like it..i wasn't being all depressed and shit..just making an observation..don't worry...i'm not gonna jump off the bridge anytime sooooooon!!! heheehhe i'm amazed lately at how much things can change with the passage of time..and how things that used to matter so much can seem so things that used to be consuming to rarely enter my mind.

i've been a little bit lazy lately with should all be used to this by now..hahahaha..andie is coming to town tonight..we're going out to see a few shows..i'll bring my camera...make some memories..and then..i'll share them with you..hahahaha

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Friday, September 22, 2006


its FRIDAY...fucking aye nuts..cold beer...that is all.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


hey everyone...well..i went to the sadies friday night...and as i was an AMAZING show...hmm..maybe even MORE than amazing..hahaha....super amazing? super EXTRA amazing? each time i see them is better than the every sadies show i see is the best show i've seen in my LIFE!! hahahahahah here are a few pics from the night..i took lots of video clips..but i can't post them..i was standing WAY to close to the the sound is really distorted....*sigh*..i'm sorry... here is cori and i at NV before the show..we thought we'd just pop in to have a quick beer before the beer was soooo good that i decided to have not one...but TWO..ahhahahawho knows what the nose knows? i say no(se) more.hahaha never did find out who this guy was....did we cori?? hmm..maybe we did and i just forget?!?!i dunno what the hell we were doing when we took this happens to be one of my favourites from the night...i think its because we are just SO damn cool...yes...that is why. im going to post my most FAVOURITE pic from the may all remember me going on and on and on and on and on about my favourite Sadie..yes..Dallas..thats right..hahahah..anyways..heres the story...cori and i were walking though the bar...and i saw Dallas standing i walked right over to him...put my arms around him and gave him a big shakey shakey hug..hahahhaa...i think he was a little surprised...but it was funny...i'm funny...(and don't you ever fucking forget it) it is...*sigh*....lookit the loooooooove in his eyes...'oooh nicki, you're the oooonly girl for meeeee'....wha? where? huh?! oh...sorry..i must have dozed off there for a minute..hahahaha are a few random shots of the show..
Alright...well thats it for this post..BEST SHOW OF MY LIFE...hahahahah I have another post to do for Saturday night...but i have to take off to work that will have to wait for a little while...i'll give you a hint..mmmm...donuts...right andie?!??!?!

Friday, September 15, 2006


the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies tonight the sadies i excited? you be the judge :D

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

i love exploding dog..have i told you that before??

just a no brainer post...its grey and rainy and ugly out today..its making me want to i think i will :) check out exploding dog..just because i said :)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I'm glad that we're....

friends :)
love you cori
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