Monday, October 31, 2005

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

har dee har..har...ummm..har

just home from the was funny..i laughed..and i also met a couple who were friends of my parents when they were first married..they hadn't seen me since i was oh...ummm...maybe 3..they were kinda old..and the lady grabbed me and hugged me..she seemed nice..she had a certain smell to her...i think it was wrigley's spearmint gum..and i liked reminded me of my to bed..have to be up at the ridiculas hour of least its the LAST day of work..and i'm off to Ottawa on Friday!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooo!


the bastards at Wendy's ripped me off..i ordered a baked potato..with SOUR CREAM...and chives...and i got a baked potato...NO sour cream...just chives...fuckers...i'm pissed...i don't really know why..haha..on a happier note..i'm going in about 10 minutes to the st. jacobs school-house to see a is supposed to be quite funny..its called lend me a tenor..i'll be sure to let you all know how it pants are too tight, i'm going to have to un-button them when i get there so i don't pop the button when i'm laughing..and lose it :(...i hate going shopping for new pants..its not fun :(...does anyone want to go out and buy me new pants? i'm rambling..its because i'm at my moms...and i'm bored..u may be able to tell tho...because of the rambling..and the fact that this is the third time i've posted since i've been here..ahahahaha bye bye for now!

soooo dark....

and shadowy.... and smokey.

n-i-c-kkkkkkkkkk-i M-O-U-S-E!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

getting ready for bed...i washed my face...brushed my teeth...looked real close in the mirror...checkin know...wrinkles..and stuff....when something(s) caught the light...and i was damn near blinded....can anyone guess what it was???? go on...give it a try.


ok, i love the fall...sweater weather is one of my favourite types of weather..i love eatting lots of turkey..and i love pretty coloured leaves...i don't mind football...i love halloween..and thinking about christmas...but why the fuck does it have to be so grey and rainy and fucking cold..why can't fall just be all sunshine and coolish days?? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...i feel like drinking tea..i think i will...maybe that will make me feel better...or warm at least.

origami pics.

so..i finally got around to taking some pictures of my very first projects...a few of them are not too bad...a few of them are not too good...and a few of them..are in the garbage..this is definitely going to take some practice....haha

Monday, October 24, 2005

well well well.

i folded LOTS of paper..i made a heart..a frog head..a bat..a pencil...a deformed hen...and a bowl that would NEVER EVER EVER hold anything...the batteries in my camera are dead...D..E..A..D..and i can't find the fresh ones with the move and everything...guess the pictures will have to wait until i wake up in the morning..the pictures will be worth a few laughs...especially the hen...and the ummmm....bowl..ahhahah

Sunday, October 23, 2005

yes GUY!!!!!!!

i'm folding paper...folding paper...folding paper....folding paper...FOLDING PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soon as im done i'm taking PICTURESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! cuz i have nothing better to doooooo!!!! wooooooooooo!

it was friday night...and i had no home.

so ya..last few days have been crazy..friday night..had some issues with the roomate...6:45pm...nowhere to call home...took a drive..saw my at call at work..a roof had been found to put over my work work...quick like a bunny..finish work...shove one bazillion and three boxes into the back of my little my moms...tryin to sleep...toss and turn til 10am...11am...get up...go to my old place..pack everything that i own...move it to my new place.....4pm..all settled i love it when things are crazy...i can't believe i packed AND moved...AND got settled into a new place in a matter of 5 hours.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

something new for me to do!!!!!

i'm getting sick of sitting around crochetting..i've been at my blanket now for 2 freakin years..hahaha...i've decided that i'm going to pick up a new hobby..i'm going to master the art of origami..does anyone know how to do it? i went to chapters tonight and i bought a book...a beginners guide to origami..i'm going to read it through tonight...i also got 30 free pieces of paper with my new book...and all for $9.99 on the discount rack..wooohooo!!! anyways..thats all for now..headin out for wings and beer...mmmmmmm.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

i feel charming

Oh, so charming It's alarming how charming I feel! And so pretty That I hardly can believe I'm real.

i feel pretty.

Oh, so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright! And I pity Any girl who isn't me tonight. hahahaha..nothing like some crazy pictures to turn my day around.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I got home from work today...and to my surprise, the kids upstairs had decorated the front of our house for halloween!! soooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!! wahooo!! i have some pictures, it will look much better at night..but you get the idea.... :)

Monday, October 17, 2005


fuck..why do i find this show so funny??

Sunday, October 16, 2005


wouldn't it be nice if you could take everyone who has ever been mean to you out to the mall to buy them new shoes?...and wouldn't it be nice if everyone who has ever been mean to you had the same size feet as you??..... just so you could borrow their new shoes...and kick them right in the face??

Thursday, October 13, 2005


sonuvabitch...something always screws up when you LEAST want it i bought my bus ticket for my Halloween weekend in Ottawa....and on the way home..lookit what happens....guess i'll call the shop much for spending all my money on frivolous things....i love responsibility.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


well...due to extreme boredom..and a lack of anything better to do....and because i'm doing laundry...i've decided to let you all into my drawers..........
....pajama party anyone???? i'll supply the pjs...:D

Monday, October 10, 2005

Turkey in the barnyard, what does he say?Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble all day.Turkey on the table, what do I say?Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy all day.Turkey in my tummy, what do I say?I ate too much on Thanksgiving Day!

hahaha i found this made me laugh...and i did eat toooo much..i have a turkey baby in my belly...i think it wants to come out..ahahahha

campfire pt 2.

last night was is the fire...
it was small...but mighty...and it kept my bum warm when i stood in front of it.
mmmm...hotdogs over the word.......yum.
sometimes my eyes look really crazy.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


marshmallows...chocolate...graham night is starting to sound delicious!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

i give you glamour.

well...i was sitting my moms house..not really knowing what to do with myself..when i came up with the bright idea to go through some boxes of old photos..suuuuch fun!! (honest)..i've never really been one to take myself too seriously..and i found some things that really made me me...and i thought i might share them with you....(who-ever chooses to read my blog)....and i also encourage you all to comment...and perhaps do some posting of your see if you have anything more GLAMOROUS than these..hahaha!! this last one isn't really glamour...just highschool..but MAN....lookit how big my hair was..hahahaha.

Friday, October 07, 2005


how badly do i want to be 5 years old again??? cute are these shoes??? i love them so much i would almost consider wearing them at 30..hahahaa..oh....and by the way...can you tell i'm having an EXCITING friday searching for ladybug shoes...posting on my blog...drinking tea and is good.


i finally got off my duff and went to see corpse bride..i'm soooo glad i did..soooooooooo gooood soooooooo soooooooo soo good...hooray! the popcorn was yummy and gooey and delicious as well..and i had the theatre to myself..which was just an added bonus :)

Thursday, October 06, 2005


i love socks
yes i do
i love socks
how bout you?


i hate hurt me..and make me cry....the end

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

sweet relief!

well...i've had a few good sleeps in a row..yay me!! i'm actually starting to feel like my old self again....this is a good sleep nicki is not a very nice nicki...she's crabby...and sensitive..and not a lot of fun to be around...she doesn't really know how to smile...and she definitely doesn't laugh much....lets hope i keep on this track....cuz i like me when i sleep :) that being said...i'm going to bed.

Monday, October 03, 2005

betcha didn't know...

that i am a multi-talented musician :D
the harmonica is my first love..and let me tell you...when i get into it...there is NO stopping me..some of you have been lucky enough to witness my skill.... ;)
here is me...with my guitar...hahahaha..i haven't perfected the art of guitar playing...quite like the harmonica...but believe me...i'm working hard on it everyday....the girl who lives upstairs isn't very pleased with the amount of time i'm putting into perfecting my show....and to her i say........hahahahaah!!!!!!

Sunday, October 02, 2005



annoyed, asleep, beat, beat up, bored, broken-down, burned out, collapsing, consumed, distressed, dog-tired, done for, done in, drained, drooping, droopy, drowsy, empty, enervated, exasperated, fagged, faint, fatigued, fed up, finished, flagging, haggard, irked, irritated, jaded, narcoleptic, overtaxed, overworked, petered out, played out, pooped, pooped out, prostrated, run-down, sick of, sleepy, spent, stale, tuckered out, wasted, weary, whacked, worn, worn out.

this is how you feel when you don't sleep for 3 days....its true...i know.