Saturday, April 29, 2006


I didn't really kill the bird that andie said i is the see..the bird...was wandering about the street...minding its own business...when....horror of all horrors...this little wee mourning dove girl saw the one mate she would have in her WHOLE entire life...slumming it with some red lipstick wearin' mother of a whore mourning dove...they were behind the dumpster...and her mate was layin on his back.......and don't need me to go on....SO...when the wee little birdie saw this...she dropped dead right on the spot...smack in the middle of the road...still standing on her little birdie feet...and that is when i came along....and just basically knocked her over....the plume of feathers....well...dead already or not....that is just to be expected...right?!?!??!

the end.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Happy Friday!!!

Hey Everyone!!

Just wanted to do a quick post to say HAPPY FRIIIIIDAY!! YIPPEE YIPPEE!!! I've booked of the whooooooole weekend!! INCLUDING.....MONDAY!! Hello long weekend!! I haven't been up to a whole lots this week...just hangin about around home and stuff like that...i did go out a few days ago and get something new.....

I'm just headin out now to go to Mikey's..we're gonna have a bbq, drink some beer and head downtown a little later on :) I hope you all have a GREAT weekend...*kiss* *kiss*

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

random pictures.

Here are a few random pictures that have been taken over the past few weeks :) nothing all that exciting really..they are mostly pictures from nature walks :)
pretty flowers :)
more pretty flowers!!!
hehehe i love this picture of jersey so much...this was right after her very first swim....hahaha...her legs look sooooo skinny...ehehehhehe
i got dirty!!! FUN!!

this is Mike and I last Friday night...we went to the Albion patio for a few beers...hahaha FEW beers...we were both at home and in bed by ANIMALS!!!

Well that is all for now..i'm pretty much caught up..i just have last Saturday left to post about!! yipppeeee!! i hope i NEVER get behind EVER again!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

more pics..

here are a few more pics from the night that we hung out with ratty...these were taken after he hopped on his plane..
me monkeyin' around..
andie with the switch to vodka/redbull...baaaaaaaaaaad was soooo late at night!!
i'm going to call this picture....we're so sober it hurts.
my friend Jay that i work with showed up late in the night!! YAY Jay!! we love stealing his hat and taking stupid pictures....seeee....
i may have been burping here....or i may have been saying "aaaaaaye" i can't quite remember..hahahaha

yo yo yo yo yo.....that is all.

oh dear.

I seem to have gotten a little mixed up with the order of my catch up posts..i guess it doesn't matter ALL that much..heehhehe...this post is from Easter weekend when Andie came to visit...on the Saturday night we went out to my friends bar...we had quite an interesting night..hehehe...lots of laughs..and lots of silliness :)
the poison of choice for this night w/lime for me...gin&tonic w/lime for miss andie..hehehe...we were aiming for an interesting night....we definitely got it :D
this is the beginning of the night...the up has to be done..all the time now. friend dan and I..Dan is one of the guys who owns the bar that i always hang out at...he's one of my most favourite friends in the whole wide world!!!
oooh i heart youuuuuuu pablooooo!!!

andie hearts pabloooo toooooo!! everyone i know hearts pablo!!!..oh and hey...check out the bars website...its a great fucking place!!! :D

Ok, so i will give u a bit of background on the rest of these pictures...Pablo was puttering around behind the bar..and came over to us with this little guy......

its not real...don't worry..hehehee the toy rat was just sitting behind the we thought it might be fun to take him on some are the pics :)
here i am giving our little friend a bath...he was rather dirty from hangin around behind the bar for so long...poor little ratty :(
it was kinda cold outside for he thought that he might find some warmth inside andies coat....little did he know that she would get sooooo angry with him...that she would.....
try to eat him....don't worry....he escaped but wiggling out of andies hands...then he ran right over to me...up my leg and into my hand...and said to me..."yo, gimme some of that smoke...that was a damn close call" of course...who am i to say no....
he only smokes when he's drinking its ok...after ratty relaxed for a little bit he decided that we would take a walk to see if he could find something to eat....
there wasn't much for him to eat here....but then he managed to find his way into a local establishment...luckily andie and i caught up with him before he got himself into some serious trouble....
don't you remember what happened to your brother ratfinkus??? u silly little ratty.
after all the close calls...ratty was pretty tuckered he decided that he would have a quick red-bull and get ready to take off...he had a plane to catch....people to see, places to do...or somethng like that........
bye bye ratty...we will always rememeber you!! next time you're in town...look us up :D

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Laughin' with Lowenbrau.

I tell you...the town i live in isn't VERY Mike and I usually spend a lot of time at his place..drinkin some beers...hanging out with Jersey..and just being silly in general..these pics are from a 1/2 hour span pretty much..and i will have you KNOW..that the beer you see me with...was my ONE and ONLY beer from the whole night :) its true!!!
ho hum...ho hum...loungin around..drinkin a beer..smokin a belmont..ho hum.
ho hum...ho hum...i've got crazy eyes...and my beer tastes good...ho hum.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Jersey!! lookit here cute little teeth..hehehehe...ok..i have to warn you..this is where the craziness never ceases to amaze me how quickly things can turn from a nice relaxing beer and a visit to
yaaaaaaaaar..don't MESS with me...yaaaaaaaaaaar!!!
Mike is special.....
we're both a little special i think..if these pictures mean anything...hahhahha Jersey things we're bonkers...i think she may be right...
oooooooooooooooooooh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah baby....i'm a ruuump shaka!!!!
ooooooooooooooooooooh daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddy....hahahahahhahah...shit...did i say that??!?!? hahahahahhahah (mom...close your eyes to this one) :P

i'm so glad we're friends Mikey..and i'm glad we decided to use the self timer on the camera...what a fun BEER :D!!!!!...OH...and'll NOTICE...i didn't post THE can thank me later ;)

more nature.

wow...seems like i've been out in nature a lot lately..hahhaha thats my plan for the get outside in the sunshine as much as i can...its my goal to be able to wear shorts..and not BLIND anyone...hahahaha..i've purchased my first pair of shorts in 4 years...well..actually..they were a gift from mama...hahahaha...we'll see how it goes....anyways..on with the nature post..i went out with my new friend..and we had coffee and spent some time walkin around by the river..talkin to the geese...skippin rocks and stuff. make-up....u can see my freckles comin out..hehehehe
the shadow of my friend..i made a promise that i wouldn't post his i'll keep that promise.
mmmm....tree splooge...hahaahha...we giggled at this one..yes..we did.
the geesers were really friendly this day :) and i got some really good shots of them..i have NO fucking idea what is with me and the geese..they shit everywhere..they're noisy..and even kinda mean..but i really like them :)
resting our feeties...we did quite a bit of was hard to take pictures..without taking pictures of faces...i was being creative here :)
check out my package...HHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!
well..i found a way around the no picture clause..this one seems to work for both of us :) hehehe notice the coffee on my shirt...that is my UNDERSHIRT...i had to take my t-shirt off and wash it in the river cuz my friend made me laugh at something and i got coffee ALL over me..hhahahha i'm happy to report tho...that all the stains DID come out :D yay!!! wel..almost coming to an end to the day of nature..i'll leave you with one more pic tho...we happened to find this on our journey...and i couldn't pass up the opprotunity...eheheheh

i love pylons..they are fun...the end.


hey everyone...fuck..i'm so behind...and the end of the cathing up isn't in sight...:( i must buckle down..i must do post after post after post until i'm goes...ok?!

the pic to the left here is my easter was really really mom always makes a mean easter dinner..hehehehhe...we had a bunch of people over this pa my ex johnny..his dad...andie..and my friend was goood good times :)

this was me after dinner...smoking and relaxing...i needed to do it...sooo badly..hahahaha
oh my poor fat bloated little belly...and FYFI....(for yer fuckin' info)...i AM pushing it out..hehehehehe :P
me and miss andie!!
i had to cut the happy cake...:( it made me sad...i was crying...see... :(

poor andie...eatting happy made her sad :( boohooo.

well..thats it for easter :) on to the NEXT post..i've promised my self i would do THREE posts before bed..hehehehe