Tuesday, February 28, 2006

more secret pal :) yaaaaay!!

hey everyone! here is an update about my secret pal :) i think i have the sweetest secret pal ever..here is the latest e-card that i was sent.


thank you my secret pal..i was really sad for a few days..but i am much better now :) at least belly isn't sick and suffering anymore :)

here is something else from my secret pal that i am VERY excited about!! YIPPPEEE!! i got this in the mail today!!

thanks pal :) those things are really yummers!! sometimes i eat them on my break at work!! how did you know?!?!?! hehehe

anyways..there really isn't all that much else going on here..i've just been takin it kinda easy..i didn't even go out this weekend drinking..friday night i went to the show with my mama and saw Memoirs of a Geisha...kinda disappointing...to say the least..oh well..the movies never are better than the books....boohooo..anyways..i'm outta here for now!! i have some work to do!!! bye bye!!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

he's gone :(


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

RIP my little fishie..i will miss you :( you were a really good friend.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


i got another e-card from my secret pal!! very cute!!


i'm dancin right now.....*shakey* *shake* *shake* *wiggle* WOOOOOOOOOOOO!

oh yum..yum..yum..yum...YUM!!

hey everyone..i'm being a good blogger girl today and actually posting something for once..hehehe..and its NOT me with a bottle of beer in my hand...quel surprise!!

well..i woke up this morning..and was checking my email..i had one in my in-box from my friend Tomek who is living in Poland right now..this is what it said...

yo, it's fat thursday here.
there are huge lineups.
everyone is buying donuts.
the store is just full of donuts.
there are donuts in the donut section, in the bread section, donuts everywhere.
the whole country is donut crazy today.
i thought you would like to know this.

most of you don't know..but in the summertime..i was turned on to these wonderfully delicious Polish donuts..everytime i would go to visit Tomek..i would want to eat them..and LOTS of them..i would dream about them..doodle little pictures of them...sing little songs about them..heck..i even thought i might like to marry them someday..hahaha..anyways..here is a
that explains a little bit about Fat Thursday..i'm not 100% sure how accurate it is..but i'm posting the link anyways :)

later on in the day i was chatting with Tomek and he sent me a picture..this is a picture of him at the store..buying ME my donuts..he's put them in the post..and i hope to recieve them SOON....

mmmm...i can't wait to get them ALL in my belly...heheehhehe.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

for lack of anything better....

i bring you pictures taken on my webcam while i was eatting my lunch and surfing the internet.

the end.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

secret pal update!!

my secret pal has been busy sending me e-cards!! they are all so cute..and every one of them has brought a smile to my face!! i really love this secret pal stuff!! it was such a good idea!! thanks so much sherry for deciding to organize this!! you're the best!!

this is the first e-card that my pal sent me...


heheheh isn't it cute!! i'm glad that i don't have fleas!!! *whew*

here is the second card...


TOOOOOOWIT TOOOOOOWOOOOOOOOO! that is ALL i have to say..hehehehe

this is the third card that i got...


hahahahah when i was first looking at this one..i was like...awwww..its so cute...and THEN....well...click the link...and you'll see....yer a tricky one secret pal...ahhahahah but SO much fun!!

weekend post PT..2...Super Saturday!!

well...saturday got off to a pretty slow start to say the least...nothing like a night of drinking your face off to make you what to do nothing but laze around in your jammies and groan about how horrible you feel..hehehhehe...we did that for quite a while...eventually we decided that we were going to spend the day at Pacific Mall...OH MY GOD!! well..most of you know that i collect stationary...and stickers...well...LET ME TELL YOU...this place was like our dream come true...or our worst nightmare..i think the jury is still out on that one...hahahahha..we went from store to store to cute little store...browsing through piles and piles of stationary...cute stickers..and everything else cute that you could imagine!!!! we didn't take many pictures on saturday...just a few at lunch time..i'll share them with you now..it was an asian mall that we were at...so we decided that we should enjoy that asian cuisine that was offered there...
here is andie eatting her dim sum...i think that was some sort of deep fried rice ball covered in sesame seeds...filled with red bean something or other and deep fried..i had a bit..and it was really quite yummy.

here is me with my exotic lunch..moo goo happymealguy pan...its was very delicious..and i even got a cute little strawberry shortcake figurine to play with..hehehehe

WELL...i'm saving the BEST for LAST with this post...this bit all started when we were walking through the parking lot to get into the mall...we were walking by this big wall..that was covered with advertisements for one of the asian grocery stores that is in pacific mall..and anyways..we see this picture for canned meat that was on sale...here is a picture of it...

mmmm...pig meat....u gotta love it....OINK!! OINK!! OINK!!!

weekend post...PT 1..Friday night with my super friend.

I'm ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!

i know its been a few days since i've posted..i hope you all didnt miss me tooooooo terribly.....hahahah...i've had a pretty good couple of days..friday night i went to Mississauga for the night to visit with my friend Andie....i was really SUPER extra proud of myself..and i will tell you why.....i'm a CHICKEN...big fat feathery chicken..i don't like driving on the 401....i never HAVE liked driving on the 401...and i think i've only done it 3 or 4 times in my life...and mostly because i had NO choice...if i was ever going anywhere that i would need to drive on the 401..i would usually just take the bus..or arrange it so that someone else would drive...ANYWAYS..this little chicken...went on to mapquest..got all the directions...HOPPED into her car...and DROVE to Mississauga down the 401....ALL BY HERSELF...and she made it...ALIVE...i came to realize actually that there really isn't anything to it..its not as scary as i made myself believe..its acually quite fun...i like driving fast..and i drive fast usually...so it was just like an excuse to drive even FASTER!!! YAY ME!!!

anyways...friday night Andie..her roomate Lisa and I went to a pub for a FEW drinks...hahaha....FEW drinks.....FEW drinks....FEW drinks...RIIIIIIGHT ;) here are some pictures from our night.

these 3 pictures were taken when we first got to the pub....we walked there...i don't think i've ever been so cold in my whole entire life...my face felt like glass..hahahaha...
its OK tho...after a few of these little beauties...we were more than...umm...warmed up..i think we were actually glowing...or..something close to it..hahahahha..here is the proof below :)
lookit!! aren't we CUTE?!?!?!?! this is of course...andie and me.
here is lisa and andie...aren't they pretty birds!!!
this is some random dude that we met..i don't remember his name..but he was nice enough to pose for pictures with us..hahahaha...come to think of it...quite a few random guys were nice enough to pose for pictures with us..hehehehe
i don't remember this guys name...i'm not sure if i even knew it that night...but i THINK he had some sort of an accent?!?!?!?!
man....what a blur..i can't even remember if i took this picture...or if andie took this picture..or if something else took this picture...but WHOEVER took it...i guess..decided that we were way cuter than random guy..and decided to cut half of his head out....ehehehhehe!!

anyways..i'm gonna end this post here with a classic nicki shot....doy oy oy oy oy..i'm not really as dumb as i make myself look half the time...heehhehehe...or am i?!?! :D

check out andies blog for more pics..and her take on the night...i'm wondering how close it will be to mine?!?! hahahahahaha

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


had a pretty good night tonight..my old friend mike came to visit me....we ordered pizza..yakked a lot..and he also brought his new little baby over to visit me...heehhehe his baby is soooooo cute..her name is jersey..she's a wee bundle of joy..here are a few pictures that we took :)
lookit her with her cute wee paws crossed...she's such a little lady..hehehehe
well that is all for tonight..i'm hitting my bed early..i started reading Memoirs of a Geisha yesterday...and i'm not wanting to put it down...its very good so far!! hope you all had a great wednesday!! *hugs*

secret pal questionairre...(2 r's or no?)

hooray!! i got my secret pal today..now its time for me to fill out my answers to these questions.

1. Favorite candy/cookies/snack food:
chocolate, gummie candies, heck..who am i kidding...any candy at all is my favourite candy!

2. Favorite type of music:
i don't really have a favourite type of music..i love listening to new stuff..stuff i haven't heard of before..my favourite thing lately has been asking people i know to burn me a copy of their favourite cd.

3. Favorite scent:
i really like citrus-y smells..or tropical smells..like coconut, mango, strawberry kiwi..mmm

4. Birthday:
March 24, 1975

5. Anniversary.
anniversary...hell..u have to be married first don't you?!?!

6. Other special date.
i don't have any other special dates.

7. I celebrate Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah/other:
Christmas...ho ho ho.

8. Pets? (type of pet & their name)
i have one pet..his name is belmont..he's a fish..and i think he's dying :(

9. Married?
HELL NOOOOO!!! maybe someday..maybe never.

10. Do you read? (tell what your favorite thing to read is)
i do read..i don't really like romance novels...ick..chuck palahniuk is my favourite author..i like his style of writing a lot.

11. Favorite color?
black..does that count? i also like red..and blue...and purple.

12. Do you collect anything? What is it?
i collect toooo many things...stickers..cute stationary..pens..ladybugs.

13. Any hobbies?
ummmm drinking beer? hehehe

14. Favorite drink.
beeer...gooood beer.

15. Favorite vacation place.
i don't really have a favourite vacation place..its been about 5 bazillion years since i've been on vacation.

16. List anything else that you can think of that may help your Secret Pal to get to know you a little better.
i'm silly..and i like to laugh..i like things that are cute..ummm...i dunno what else to write here!!

ok, now that i have answered my questions i can't WAIT to get started on this!! its going to be SO much fun!! Sooooo exciting!! i've already been picking up little pressies for my secret pal even before i knew who it was!!! heheheheheheh!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! well that is all for now!

Monday, February 13, 2006

happy heart day

i'm not really big into celebrating valentines day..but i did go out and buy a little package of valentines...mostly because i really wanted the clifford stickers that came in the box...anyways..from me to you..on the day of $125.00 roses.

you know you had a good time when......

you're covered in bruises from head to toe..and you don't exactly remember how they all got there.....*ouch*...haha

the weekend!

hey blogger buddies!! here is the weekend post..hehehehe i know you've all been waiting for it...probably wondering what kind of drunken mischeif i got myself into....*sigh*...i'm not a lush...really i'm not..hehehehe...i just like to have fun...and REALLY LIKE to document it..hehehehe....(man..who am i trying to convince...YOU or myself)..heehhehe...anyways...saturday night i went out with a few of my girlfriends and the 50 guy...we started out at the local pool hall that we've hung out at for years and years and years..then we went to our other favourite watering hole..i'm coppin out a bit on the pics this time around...might have something to do with the fact that we were a LITTLE obsessed with the camera saturday night...i think we took something like 240 pictures...!!! hahahahaha anyways...here's a small collage that i put together from the night :)

Friday, February 10, 2006

recovering nicely.

well...just a quick thanks to all of you who sent your well-wishes...and good esp to my mama...she is home from the hospital now..and she is recovering quite well..she has some new medications..but everything seems to be going alright :) she will have to return to the hospital in 6 months for another cat-scan to check out her adrenal glands....(turns out the spots were benign (sp?) ummmm...nodes?? does that sound right? and should be nothing to worry about...also..she will have to have another scan for her lungs in one years time..hopefully she is at home now resting...lounging on the couch...but if i know her..she is puttering around..hehehehe..such a cute little mama...anyways...thanks again everyone! its so nice to know that you are all around when i need yas :) xo

Thursday, February 09, 2006


was just working on my post from last night..and blogger decided that she didn't want me to post anymore pictures...SO...saved it as a draft...and i'll go back to it later...STAY TUNED!!!!

*UPDATE* ...i've done some more work on my post about last night..hahahaha i got about 3 more pictures added...then blogger started to eat them again..hehehehe....hopefully it will be published by the end of tonight....*sigh*

*UPDATED UPDATE* .....its PUBLISHED!!! Check it out BELOW !!!!!!

burgers...and beer.

well..i did go out last night..went for burgers..and beer..as you could have probably guessed from the title of this post..hahaha..way to state the obvious huh..anyways..i'll get right to the pictures..hahaha
just finished ordering my burger here...lookit how excited i am...can't you see it in my eyes?!?
50 guy after placing his order...he doesn't look quite as excited as me...it could be because at this point i've already taken 5 bazillion pictures...OR..because on his way to guelph he stopped at Ronnies and got a Double Big Mac Combo, with Super Size Fries and a Coke...(do they still call them Super Size Fries?!?!)..ahhaha
soder-pop....soder-pop...waitin fer my burgie..soder-pop...(i wish it was pepsi...but i had to have coke..because that is all they had) :(
HELLOOOO you happy little burgers...why the big smiles?!?!? are you excited about gettin into our BELLAYS?!?!?!
50 guys says "mmmmmmm...u taste WAY better than the double big mac that i ate 45 minutes ago....YUM YUM YUM"
i don't think i have to tell you all what i said...you can probably just tell by the expression on my face......(how am i ever going to get my wee little tiny mouth around this oh so big burger)..hahaha
*whew*....i managed.....(sorry....did you expect me not to post a picture like that?!?!)
well..as 50 guy is "kindly" pointing out....(with his bird no less)...i didn't quite finish my tasty little burger....bad...bad...bad nicki...don't worry...i got punished.

incase you are wondering...yes...that IS my gravy :( feel sorry for me please....(thank you in advance)...its a damn good thing i didn't have to drink it all...or else my burger would have ended up back on the plate....i know i know..bad visual.

Anyways..that about wraps up the burger adventure....now...onto the BEER!!! woooo!!!

i know...such a sad face...but my belly was sooo full..my beer was hurting me :( boohooo...i DID force this one down tho...
and followed up with another one...wooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
my belly was seriously going to explode after the 2 beers..so i decided to switch to the vodka/tonic....this is what happened...
my teeth turned greeen.....
my face caved in.....
and things just got a little silly....naturally.
doy-oy-oy-oy..... :P (sorry 50 guy..i just HAD to post this pic...i know you understand)...and don't worry...there is a doozy of my to follow :)
see!!! hahahaha doy-oy oy oy!!! THE END!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

update on the mama..

i just got home from seeing my mom in the hospital..she's feeling quite a bit better today...had the cat-scan this afternoon around 2ish..and she still hadn't heard back from the doc by the time i left..her spirits are still high...which is great..the thing that was bothering her the most was that she didn't have any lipstick with her..hahahaha go figure..thats my mama for ya..anyways..being the LOVELY daughter that i am..i brought her her favourite shade of lipstick..hehehe...that brought a smile to her face...anyways..i just want to take a minute to thank you all for your kind words..and happy thoughts :) it really means a lot to know that so many people are thinking of you when you need them :) i heart all of you :) i really do :)...tonight i'm going to go out for a little while to drink some beer...i NEED to...who knows..maybe they're be another post later..ehehehhe...thanks again!!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

this is for my mama..

..my mama is in the hospital right now...she has had pneumonia for the past 2 weeks...or so we thought..yesterday she was having lots of trouble breathing so she had my aunt take her up to emergency...they took xrays and didn't see any traces of the pnuemonia on the xrays...anyways..with her shortness of breath..they decided that they should do a cat-scan..and take a closer look...i guess she had a pretty tough night of worrying that it might be something super super serious..anyways..her scan for her lungs came back clear..but they found 2 spots on her adrenal glands...which if i am correct are two little glands on the tops of your kidneys...anyways...she is scheduled for another cat-scan tomorrow to have a closer look at those...i was at the hospital visiting her today...her spirits are high..and she seems to be alright :)..i think her biggest fear was that she might have some serious lung disease...anyways..my mom really likes prayers and stuff like that...so if you wouldn't mind..send a few her way :)...prayers...or just plain old good esp :) thanks!!!