Sunday, July 30, 2006

coffee is good...

especially if its as big as your head.....happy sunday my friends :) i hope you all had a great weekend...mine was pretty uneventful..but it was nice to just kinda have chill time...i did go out with some friends on friday night for a few was one of those unplanned i had no camera...sorry buds :P last night i went to a bbq at a friend of the families was a pretty good time....we ate lots of good food...played horseshoes...shot hoops...drank beer...lots of shots....and i even made a rooftop appearance..hahahahaha pics to soon as i get them of ma's camera :D

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Hey everyone...soo...after a month long "vacation" from blog-land..i'm back...well rested..and full of interesting posts....(maybe)..hahahah...i haven't been up to all that much..just chillin...working...and TRYING to stay outta trouble..haahhahah...staying out of trouble has always been EASY for me..considering i'm such an ANGEL and everything ;) ;) continue with the tradition of my are some pictures as to what i've been doing lately...:)having drinks with friends...having more drinks with more friends.... being silly with my friends....wearing ridiculas hats...camping with my friends...
canoeing with Mikey.....and of course...miss jersey...(she's sooo big now....and even CUTER) thats a nutshell..i've been enjoying myself...and my summer...oh yeah...i've also moved to a new place somewhere in between all the fun i've been having...hahahahha I hope that all of you are doing well...and that you've been enjoying good times with your family and friends :)