Sunday, May 28, 2006

Show night at the ebar.

A long time ago....way back in December..i went to a show at Vinyl...the sadies were playing...and they had a band opening up for them called Frontier Index...i thought these guys were amazing...the sure do know how to ROCK...anyways...i ended up purchasing their cd at the show that night...and have been hooked on them ever since....(for more reasons than one....and after you look at the may be able to figure it out) *wink*
heres me....waiting to leave..i look kinda bitchy i think...but i'm not really...i promise..hehehehe
can you say YUM!!!....this would be...rickards red w/ strongbow (for mikey)...and creemore W/ strongbow...(for meeeeee) was soooo tasty...mmmm....mmmmm....mmmmm...i think i had 4 of them....i could have been more...maybe one more...but no less...hahahaha..i guess i can really put em away huh?
hahaha poor mikey...he worked all day...and here's me...draggin him out on the town...poor fella...he's such a good sport :)
oooooooh...i'm soooo excited!! yipppeeee!!! i'm thinking that i was already drunk at this point...but i could be wrong....:P

while Mike and i were waiting for the band to come on...we decided to try and find some music to listen to on his new phone....sadly...there was NO Roger Miller :( how could there be NO Roger

well...i guess i'll get to posting some pics of the band now....:D...some of you will enjoy this...others might not so much...hahahaha

so these are the pics i got of the band...i got quite a few more..but these were the best ones i think...i had a really good seat to see and hear the show...just not for taking pictures...oh well...can't win them all right?!??! ahhahahaa

heres a few shots from after the set....the up high smoke..i couldn't not...right? its the rules.
this is us..waiting for the other band to come on..i'm not 100% sure who took this picture..but i'm pretty sure it wasn't either of us...ahhahahahahah.

this is The Ride Theory...fucking sweeet band...i really enjoyed their set as was my first time seeing these guys play live..but they really put on a great show! i plan to go see them again sometime...whenever they're around here...yippeee....anways..i'm tired...thats all for tonight..i'll end by saying...if you EVER see EITHER of these bands ANYWHERE near your hometown...GO AND SEE THEM....and please...BRING ME WITH YOU :D

* i've provided links to the websites for these bands...CHECK THEM OUT.....OR ELSE*

Through the miracles of modern technology....

...we know that sherry is ALIVE!!!

It has been confirmed that our pretty little lady is still with us :)

We all miss you Sherry and we hope that whatever has been keeping you away is getting better..we've all been thinkin about you..and are waiting for your return.

much love and good esp.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

dog days. it is...another dog walking post..hahaha...we always have SO much fun...this time around we brought another little friend out with us....its mikeys neighbor dog Denby....he's SOOO cute...he's the cutest little brown boy dog that i know...i think you will all agree :)
Denby...the dude.
have beer....will travel...a just not a walk without my red plastic glass of lowenbrau...and thats the truth :D
this is what it looks like along the river now...its SOOO much prettier now that everything is so green and fresh :) i could spend ALL DAY by the river!!
makin friends...makin friends...makin friends...we always run into the coolest dogs while we're walking...hehehehehe...these people must think i'm crazy...cuz i'm always pulling my camera out..hehehehe....o well.
i think Denby had a really good time going for a walk with us...i've never really seen him do much of anything but hang around..and for this whole walk he was just go go go go go.....this is a picture of him looking for a squirrel that he saw run up the tree...he was a little bit obsessed....until we said TREAT DENBY...TREAT....then he was on the run again..hehehe
this post would NOT be complete without a picture of me...with my beer....or....

...mike with his posts are getting old...same old shit..all the time...ugh.

A Saturday on the town.

Last Saturday my parents and i went to Toronto to meet up with Andie for the day....when my dad was younger..he used to do deliveries all around toronto in Kensington Market and we decided that we would do some was a really fun day...we wandered around...drank yummy coffee...looked at TONS of cute stuff and had a really super good lunch :) here are a few pictures from the day :)

we met up with Andie at is all.
we mostly just wandered around all day looking in shops and was lots of fun...soo many things to EAT...hahahah we went for lunch in Chinatown to a place called Chung was very delicious..we ate a lot...then we were full.
here's my pa...he was trying to drink his tea with chopsticks..i don't think it worked out for him toooo well..hahahaha

here we are..hahaha i'm showing off my new gives me magical super-powers...i can't tell you what they are tho...i'd have to kill you.

more walkin...more walkin..more walkin...more walkin...mmmmm squid and whole the beak for meee!!

here's my parents...aren't they cute!! it was their anniversary this day...i forgot...luckily...they did too...hehehhehehe...anyways....thats about it for our day in the big city....andie came back to guelph this night....and boy...did we ever have some'll hear all about it soon :)

oogie oogie oogie woogie dancin shoes?!?!?! i am again...behind on posting...go figure..i'm a bad blogger..the sunshine is always calling me...and the beer..mostly the mom gave me shit the other day..cuz she checks my blog everyday..and there is NEVER anything new for her to look you are...its my goal get AT LEAST 3 new posts up.

Ok, so a while ago...mike and i had a last minute BBQ at his friend Cori was there..her son Donovan....her brother Tyler..and a friend that mike works with..his name is Brandon...but we call him quickly turned from a nice quiet bbq with a couple of WAR OF THE DANCIN' SHOES....sadly there is no video footage of this...but the pictures are enough i think.

this is Donovan gettin his groove on...i tell you..this kid has some MOVES..he must have learnt them from me :P hahahahahhaa
You may not know this..but my friend Cori..she's a ballerina in her spare time..hehehehe
YESSSSS!! River Dance..You can see that even the dog was consumed by my great dancing ability....yes..thats right...TAKE LESSONS..hahahaha :P
G money..bustin out the hip-hop moves....g money?!??! yeah..i have no clue...hahaha
this is Cori's brother was his first time hanging out with the group of us...haahha as you can see..he fit in JUST fine...actually...almost tooooo fine....his dancing ability...well...lets just say...i should probably give the floor over to him...hahaha

this is show-hands....well..Brandon really...he was a little quiet this night...i think it was because he didn't drink enough beer or something like that...and sadly..i didn't get a picture that explains why we call him what we call him...boohoo. now its time for a few more random shots from the night..hahahahhahaha its easier this way...and it cuts posting time in half :D

you know..its a good thing my friends love me so much..or i might be dead by now from posting all these silly pictures of them...hhahhahaha least..when i post silly pics of them...i post even sillier ones of me..hehehehehehe
and on THAT note...i'm off to the next post :D

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Heavy Trash!!

HEY Everyone!!

This is me....WAY behind in my posts....once again...i'm not even gonna try to catch up :) I haven't been doing anything THAT exciting anyways.

Wednesday night i went out with Mikey and we saw Heavy Trash play at the Starlight in Waterloo...SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-IT! They were even BETTER then the last time i saw them...i know i can that be possible??!?!?!?!? i didn't think it was....QUEL SURPRISEEEEEEE!!!!! are some of the best shots of the night...i took some video clips...BUT..they didn't really turn out all that good....not enough light....and the sound is kinda muffled because they were SOOO fucking ROCKIN!!!
pool fishie fishies!!
jon spencer...can you all say this with me.....'YUUUUUUUM'....this believable...yes..yes he is.

mmmmmmmmmMatt...i will say no more..hahahahhaha

this is Dallas Good...from The Sadies..i love this picture..i felt kinda bad after i took it..cuz he had to wipe the flash out of his eyes..hehehehe...i'm sorry my pretty..i didn't mean to make you go blind....please...forgive me :D

Ok..i'm done with the typing for a bit..i'm just gonna post a few pics now..from the night :) those are a few of the best shots i got that night..hope you likey..cuz i suuuuure doo...:Dhappy me....and happy mikey :) hehehehehhee

ok...last picture...this is a set list from the just so happens to be hanging up on my wall now...hehehehehe!!!
