Sunday, February 19, 2006

weekend post...PT 1..Friday night with my super friend.

I'm ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!

i know its been a few days since i've posted..i hope you all didnt miss me tooooooo terribly.....hahahah...i've had a pretty good couple of days..friday night i went to Mississauga for the night to visit with my friend Andie....i was really SUPER extra proud of myself..and i will tell you why.....i'm a CHICKEN...big fat feathery chicken..i don't like driving on the 401....i never HAVE liked driving on the 401...and i think i've only done it 3 or 4 times in my life...and mostly because i had NO choice...if i was ever going anywhere that i would need to drive on the 401..i would usually just take the bus..or arrange it so that someone else would drive...ANYWAYS..this little chicken...went on to all the directions...HOPPED into her car...and DROVE to Mississauga down the 401....ALL BY HERSELF...and she made it...ALIVE...i came to realize actually that there really isn't anything to it..its not as scary as i made myself believe..its acually quite fun...i like driving fast..and i drive fast it was just like an excuse to drive even FASTER!!! YAY ME!!!

anyways...friday night Andie..her roomate Lisa and I went to a pub for a FEW drinks...hahaha....FEW drinks.....FEW drinks....FEW drinks...RIIIIIIGHT ;) here are some pictures from our night.

these 3 pictures were taken when we first got to the pub....we walked there...i don't think i've ever been so cold in my whole entire face felt like glass..hahahaha...
its OK tho...after a few of these little beauties...we were more than...umm...warmed up..i think we were actually glowing...or..something close to is the proof below :)
lookit!! aren't we CUTE?!?!?!?! this is of course...andie and me.
here is lisa and andie...aren't they pretty birds!!!
this is some random dude that we met..i don't remember his name..but he was nice enough to pose for pictures with us..hahahaha...come to think of it...quite a few random guys were nice enough to pose for pictures with us..hehehehe
i don't remember this guys name...i'm not sure if i even knew it that night...but i THINK he had some sort of an accent?!?!?!?!
man....what a blur..i can't even remember if i took this picture...or if andie took this picture..or if something else took this picture...but WHOEVER took it...i guess..decided that we were way cuter than random guy..and decided to cut half of his head out....ehehehhehe!!

anyways..i'm gonna end this post here with a classic nicki shot....doy oy oy oy oy..i'm not really as dumb as i make myself look half the time...heehhehehe...or am i?!?! :D

check out andies blog for more pics..and her take on the night...i'm wondering how close it will be to mine?!?! hahahahahaha


Mz.Elle said...

Naaaa,we'd never think that silly,we Loooooooooooove you!

Looks like a fun,fun,fun night!

YAY for you!
You're SOOOO brave!Wooohooo,go drivin' girl!!!!!
Heheehee,you'd get along well with my hubby,he likes to drive fast too;p

Zambo said...


Your adventures are always so fun.

Glad you made it there and back OK.

Driving has become one of those necessary evils for me. It's sort of like I'm on auto pilot lately though. The 1 hour drive each way (to and from work) seems to just fly by.

I'm gonna check out your next posts before nap time...

Your Pal,


Josh said...

How could you have been cold, I don’t see any red nose are runny eyes. Maybe you Canadians have evolved past those things.

And you guys look much better than random guy, so someone made the right call :)

Congrats on you 401 accomplishment. Go Girl!!

Mel said...

I am so proud of you!! I am the same way about interstate 85, its a death trap!! I will do anything to avoid driving on it. I dont mind being a passenger though. Glad you had fun...I missed you, dont stay away so long again!