Sunday, January 07, 2007

*weekend update*

gooooooood moooooorning blogger morning is here again, its just after 9am...i've been awake for about an hour..i'm feeling well rested, and ready to take on anything this day will bring me..had a quiet weekend...friday night i stayed in and watched flight plan (with Jodie Foster) was a pretty good movie...i didn't mind it terribly and i didn't feel like i wasted a night watching it...last night I went out for a little while to a cute little coffee place downtown..i met a friend there and we had a drink and played some scrabble...always good times when the scrabble board is around :D..I lost one game...and won one. :) the first game was pretty close until i gave up a not one...but TWO triple word scores and lost 256 to something ridiculas..i'm not even gonna tell you... :( the second game was also pretty close but i ended up winning with 244 or something like that..heehehhe *PHONE RINGS* k, time for me to gooooooooo i'm hittin' the road in search of something greasy and delicious!!!! Have a great Sunday my friends..maybe i'll be back around later!!!


Mel said...

Hope you found something greasy and delicious!

I am about to pop some popcorn, FYI LOL

Sherry said...

Damn it!!!! Here I am eating food that taste like cardboard and you skinny people can eat ANYTHING!

Josh said...

My Scrabble games always take forever. Maybe that is because we don't use the timer. Even then, a whole board of three and four letter words in is not easy to achieve LOL