Thursday, October 20, 2005

something new for me to do!!!!!

i'm getting sick of sitting around crochetting..i've been at my blanket now for 2 freakin years..hahaha...i've decided that i'm going to pick up a new hobby..i'm going to master the art of origami..does anyone know how to do it? i went to chapters tonight and i bought a book...a beginners guide to origami..i'm going to read it through tonight...i also got 30 free pieces of paper with my new book...and all for $9.99 on the discount rack..wooohooo!!! anyways..thats all for now..headin out for wings and beer...mmmmmmm.

1 comment:

littleandie said...

Good luck with the origami! I just got "Scarigami" book full of Halloween origami, so cute. I think I'm going to incorporate that word into my vocab...scarigami