Friday, January 06, 2006

stuff...and things.

i'm not in the best of moods tonight..probably shouldn't even be posting..but i am..because i've got nothing better to do at the moment..hahaha..its eeeeeeeearly friday morning..1:32am to be exact..i'm trying to stay up late tonight..because i have to go into work at 11pm..and work all night until 7:30 in the morning...BLA..that SUCKS..i worked today..and came home..and had a nap on the couch..i thought it was a good idea at the time..if i had a nap..i could stay up late..and then sleep in tomorrow..and be well rested for the midnight shift..well..i had the nap...woke up..and have been BITCHY...and bored..and BLA ever since.

nothing is lifting my mood..i've tried pop-corn..chocolates..pepsi...tea..smoking 8 millions cigarettes..listening to music....the pop-corn got stuck in my teeth..the chocolates made me thirsty...the pepsi...made my teeth feel fuzzy...i burnt my tongue on my tea...and the cigarettes are getting to be a bit tiresome as well...whats a girl to do?

i tried listening to music..but the words and sounds just smashed around on the inside of my brain..and it actually got to the point where i had to turn it off because i was going to smash something against the wall....i tried watching a movie..i put on american history x..couldn't get into it..i tried fight club...couldn't get into that either...put in E.T..decided that it wasn't the best choice given my mood...looked through all my other movies for something to pissed off and put the end to that idea.

i think i might always be like this after the know..when things are exciting..and everybody is always up for doing stuff because they are in the spirit...and then..once the two (or whatever) weeks are over..its back to the same old boooooring SHIT.

everyone is TOOO busy...TOO tired..TOOOOO blablablablablablabla..GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

that is all..


Mel said...

You sound like I feel when I am PMS. Hope you feel better soon. Working all night SUCKS though.

Tai said...

I find I have a tendency to get 'grumpy' and disoriented when I nap.

But DAMN! Sometimes you just need to sleep!

Pirate said...

That's a good a reason to toss it ll aside and hit the trail. On the road is where you ought a be.