Sunday, November 20, 2005

now i remember...

why i quit drinking for the past 3 months...i spent my whole day yesterday hungover..i woke up at 7am...u know how that happens after a night of drinking?? no matter how tired you are..or how sick you feel..u wake up super early..and try as you might..u can't get back to sleep...well that was head was pounding so badly that my eyes were watering..everytime i sat up i felt like my head would explode and like the world was spinning...ugh..maybe i was still drunk...regardless..yesterday reminded me once and for all why i stopped binge drinking every weekend..hahaha..and i plan not to do it again....(at least until the memory of my day of hangover hell is far in the past)...the end.


Anonymous said...

it's always nice to have reminders about why we shouldn't do certain things...but do they have to be so painful???
try some tylenol and orange juice if the memory of hangover hell fades and you happen to find yourself there again. it usually works for me.

Josh said...

Hangovers are the worse and every year it requires less and less alcohol for me to get hungover. I’ve actually started to get a headache in the middle of my first glass of wine. Guess I must have been dehydrated that day. Hope you feel better and stay off the booze.

littleandie said...

Ah hangovers....didn't you know alcohol is not the devil's drink as many's the devil himself. I was reminded of that last weekend. I'm never drinking again...I say again. hahahaha