tonight i am bored...that is all.
this second picture is me...close to the end of the night i would say...being cheeky in the basement with the boys...heheheheeheh i'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD :(
nite nite friendlies!! *kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiss*
here is me....just bein me..hahahhaha...this is all the pics from thursday night..and i have NO pics from friday night..i know i know..BIG BIG surprise..and i am eternally sorry to you all for it..:(
NOW!! i only have one pic from spa day..i took it when i got home...so i could always remember what a fun day that i had...and that i can in fact..pull off pink...at least on my piggies..heehehhe
here we are at the end of the night....such little angels :D
i guess that is all for now..maybe andie will post some more pics on her blog...go check it out and see :)
now....last..but definitely not least...one...yes..one of my stationary boxes..i'm a little bit of an addict...hahaha.
i'm not sure if any of you will find this post interesting...but its just one more little peek into the land of nicki :)